Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to Defend your Website from the Google Duplicate Proxy Exploit

By: Sophie White

duplicate proxy finder There is a current and active way to knock a website out of Google’s search engine results. It’s simple and effective. This information is already in the public domain and the more people that know about it, the more likelihood there is that Google will do something about it. This article will tell you how it works, how to get a website knocked out of the search engine rankings, but most importantly, how to defend your own website from having it happen to you.

To understand this exploit, you must first understand about Google’s Duplicate Content filter. It’s simply described thus: Google doesn’t want you to search for “blue widget” and have the top 10 search terms returned copies of the same article on how great blue widgets are. They want to give you ONE copy of the Great Blue Widget article, and 9 other different results, just on the off chance that you’ve already read that article and the other results are actually what you wanted.

To handle this, every time Google spiders and indexes a page, it checks it to see if it’s already got a page that is predominantly the same, a duplicate page if you will. Exactly how Google works this out, nobody knows exactly, but it is going to be a combination of some or all of: page text length, page title, headings, keyword densities, checking exactly copy sentence fragments etc. As a result of this duplicate content filter, a whole industry has grown up around trying to get round the filter, just search for “spin article”.

Getting back to the story here, Google indexes a page and lets say it fails it’s duplicate content check, what does Google do? These days, it dumps that duplicate page in Google’s Supplemental Index. What, you didn’t know that Google have 2 indexes? Well they do: the main one, and supplemental one. 2 things are important here: Google will always return results from their Main index if they can; and they will only go to the Supplemental index if they don’t get enough joy from their main index. What this means is that if your page is in the supplemental index, it’s almost certain that you will never show up in the Search Engine Ranking Pages, unless there is next to no competition for the phrase that was searched for.

This all seems pretty reasonable to me, so what’s the problem? Well there’s another little step I haven’t mentioned yet. What happens if someone copies your page, let’s say your homepage of your business website, and when Google indexes that copy, it correctly determines that it’s a duplicate. Now Google knows about 2 pages that it knows are duplicates, it has to decide which to dump in the supplemental index, and which to keep in the main one. That’s pretty obvious right? But how does Google know which is the original and which is the copy? They don’t. Sure they have some clever algorithms to work it out, but even if they are 99% accurate, that leaves a lot of problems for that 1% of times they can get it wrong!

And this is the heart of the exploit, if someone copies your websites homepage say, and manages to convince Google that *their* page is the original, your homepage will get tossed into the supplemental index, never to see the light of day in the Search Engine Ranking Pages again. In case I’m not being clear enough, that’s bad! But wait, it gets worse:

It’s fair to say that in the case of a person physically copying your page and hosting it, you can often get them to take it down through the use of copyright lawyers, and cease and desist letters to ISP’s and the like, with a quick “Reinclusion Request” to Google. But recently there’s a new threat that’s a whole lot harder to stop: the use of publicly accessible Proxy websites. (If you don’t know what a Proxy is, it’s basically a way of making the web run faster by caching content more local to your internet destination. In principle they are generally a good thing.)

There are many such web proxies out there, and I won’t list any here, however I will describe the process: they send out spiders (much like Google’s) and they spider your page, take your content, then they host a copy of your website on their proxy site, nominally so that when their users request your page, they can serve up their local copy quickly rather than having to retrieve if off your server. The big issue is that Google can sometimes decide that the proxy copy of your web page is the original, and yours is not.

Worse again, there’s some evidence that people are deliberately and maliciously using proxy servers to cache copies of web pages, then using normal (white and black hat) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to make those proxy pages rank in the search engine, increasing the likelihood that your legitimate page will be the one dumped by the search engines’ duplicate content filters. Danger Will Robinson!

Even worse still, some of the proxy spiders actively spoof their origins so that you don’t realise that it’s a spider from a proxy, as they pretend to be a Googlebot for example, or from Yahoo. This is why the major search engines actively publish guidelines on how to identify and validate their own spiders.

Now for the big question, how can you defend against this? There are several possible solutions, depending on you web hosting technology and technical competence:

Option 1 - If you are running Apache and PHP on your server, you can set the webhost up to check for search engine spiders that purport to be from the main search engines, and using php and the .htaccess file, you can block proxies from other sources. However this only works for proxies that are playing by the rules and identifying themselves correctly.

Option 2 - If you are using MS Windows and IIS on your server, or if you are on a shared hosting solution that doesn’t give you the ability to do anything clever, it’s an awful lot harder and you should take the advice of a professional on how to defend yourself from this kind of attack.

Option 3 - This is current the best solution available, and applies if you are running a PHP or ASP based website: you set ALL pages robot meta tags to noindex and nofollow, then you implement a PHP or ASP script on each page that checks for valid spiders from the major search engines, and if so, resets the robot meta tags to index and follow. The important distinction here is that it’s easier to validate a real spider, and to discount a spider that’s trying to spoof you, because the major search engines publish processes and procedures to do this, including IP lookups and the like.

So, stay aware, stay knowledgeable, and stay protected. And if you see that you’ve suddenly been dumped from the Search Engine Rankings Pages, now you might know why, how and what to do about it.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

About author: Sophie White is an Internet Marketing and Website Promotion Consultant at Intrinsic Marketing an SEO and Pay Per Click firm dedicated to supplying Better Website ROI.

The Best Keywords to use for SEO

By: doug smith
Good search engine optimization and marketing includes several factors that are explained in these SEO articles to help you achieve better search engine placement. Most of the advice given can be achieved almost immediately, where as other factors explained will take a lot of your time and effort. If you are serious about search engine optimization then you’re on the right track. Please note that the tips mentioned in these SEO articles are used by SearchBliss and some of the information stated is merely our opinion.

Before you begin reading these articles, please keep this in mind. The most important advice I can give you is to build your web pages with your visitors in mind. We have all been to sites that “don’t make much sense” as a result of webmasters targeting keywords that they have trouble placing into readable text. You can have thousands of web site visitors each day, but it is useless traffic when they exit your page out of frustration, and they may never return.

Targeting the Right Keywords

Choose the right keywords. This is extremely important and should be done before your marketing campaigns start. Optimizing a site takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work. Doing this targeting the wrong keywords can be devastating. Find relevant keywords that are searched for often. Make sure you target “phrases” rather than single keywords. For example, targeting “hosting” alone will not help you. There are too many search results. But targeting “web hosting provider”, “web hosting service”, and “hosting business” will get you more realistic results (and a ton of traffic). Plus you are still targeting “hosting”. I would suggest targeting ONE “reach phrase” and TWO “realistic phrases”. Three phrases may seem like a lot, but not when one or two key terms is in all three phrases. When this occurs, things don’t get watered down, giving better results.

Let’s begin with the “bare bones” of SEO. Title tag and meta tags. Most search engines give little to no relevance to some of these, however, since no one really knows how they are factored by each engine, they are still important steps in optimizing any web site.

1: The TITLE tag

Here is an example Title tag which should appear in-between the tags of your web page(s):

My Business Title

The title tag is very important. Why? Because search engines not only give it value in relation to optimization, SE’s use it in their search results. Search on ANY search engine, and you’ll see the content of this tag used in the anchor text of the links for each web site. Here is a little experiment. Follow the Google link (opens in a new window) and take a look. Google Experiment

There are 28,100,000+ pages in Google with the title tag Untitled Document So most of the web page links displayed are Untitled Document. Why? Because who ever built these web pages used an editing program that adds the title tag, and they never changed the title text which is certainly poor marketing.

So what should be in the title tag? The name of your business or web site with the “keyword phrase” you are targeting. For example, your business sells “watches”. This is a broad search term and using it alone my not work out for you. There are 42,500,000 estimated search results in Google. However searching for the term “Swiss watches” I get 2,760,000 estimated results. The likelihood of your site appearing in the first 3 pages of Google is much more realistic using “Swiss watches”. Plus, the keyword “watches” is still present, so you are actually targeting and marketing both terms.

Here is a good title tag using this example:

Search Engine Optimization Inc, SEO Tools

Keep it short and to the point. Targeting too many keywords can “thin out” your website’s relevance.


Here is an example description meta tag which should appear in-between the tags of your web page(s):

The description meta tag is less important for optimization, but it is still utilized by the search engines. Google for example, will use the web pages body text, image alt tags, and yes even portions of the description meta tag will show at times. The body text and alt tags will be discussed later on in these articles.

So in my opinion, it is important enough to use. The best way to use it is to place your keyword phrase inside this meta tag “once”, then split up the phrase and add the keywords again separately. But keep it readable, and avoid too many comas. This can be viewed as “spam”, so don’t do it or your site could be black listed and ignored by search engines all together. Also, use two sentences maximum and avoid “sales pitches” like “The best shop ever”, and so on.

Here is a good description meta tag marketing the term “SEO tools” from the example above:

Notice that “SEO” and “TOOLS” appear twice, but the second time is split with the term “SOFTWARE” (SEO software being a secondary targeted keyword phrase).

3: The KEYWORD Meta Tag

Here is an example keyword meta tag which should appear in-between the tags of your web page(s):

The keyword meta tag is believed one of the LEAST recognized meta tag by search engines. It carries very little weight when it comes to search engine optimization. However, it is not ignored by all engines. For example, through my own experiment, I have used a single keyword (like spaloof - which means nothing) that had very little if any results when searching for it. After being indexed, SearchBliss had appeared at the top of MSN. The keyword was NO where else on SearchBliss. Only in the keyword meta tag. This says to me that some search engines DO give the keyword meta tag some weight. So as a result, I still use the keyword meta tag.

I suggest adding your target keywords 3 to 4 times without REPEATING THE SAME TERM. This is viewed as “spam”. Spam example: Swiss watches,Swiss watches,Swiss watches,… This is more commonly know as “keyword stuffing”. It also applies to everything else being covered is these articles.

Here is a good keyword meta tag using the “SEO Tools” example:

Notice that the keywords listed 3 times (SEO & tools) are not only split up using other key terms, but are also never too close together. I do this by adding other keywords/phrases in-between the ones with the target terms. The term “SEO tools” only appears together one time.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

How to Win Customers and Influence Google

By: Michael Small
Seeing your website #1 on Google is an amazing feeling. Words can’t begin to describe how incredible it is to know that you will be absolutely flooded with quality targeted web customers – at no cost. If you’ll let me, I can help you experience that feeling with fifteen minutes of free advice.

As a search engine optimization (SEO

) specialist, I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds get to where they need to be on the world’s best search engines. Now I’d like to help you do the same by sharing the simple three-step process that I personally use to get my client’s site on top of Google, Yahoo and tons of others. It’s very simple to duplicate the process and results usually show sooner than most people expect. Anyway, here goes…

Step 1: How to Find the Best Keywords

Google gets more searches than any other search engine so let’s peek into their database, shall we? Check out and type in any keyword or phrase you can think of that you believe your target audience is looking for. Not only will it give you tons of data on that and related keywords, it will also provide “Additional Keywords to Consider”, which is a section at the bottom of the page.

Here’s a tip worth knowing; Try to use specific keyword phrases whenever possible. Let’s say you have a web-page that deals with floral delivery. Instead of “flowers”, which has 233,000,000 competing pages on Google, try “send flowers”, which has 1/10th the number of competing pages. Better still, think like people speak (I.E./ I’m sending flowers to my mom.) As it turns out, a lot more people are searching for “sending flowers” than are searching “send flowers” and – here’s the best part – “sending flowers” has less than 1% of the competing web-pages as the search term we started with, “flowers”. Now that’s impressive! You have an advantage over about 99.5% of your competitors with just that single tip. Ready for more?

Step 2: How to Get Killer a Domain Name the Search Engines LOVE

If you already have a domain name with a hosted website, you can skip this part. However it’s worth a look if you don’t mind spending a few extra bucks and doubling your search engine real estate.

Most search engines will give you major bonus points if you have your main keyword or keyword phrase in your domain name. It’s even better if words in the phrase are each separated by a dash (-). Let’s try to find a good one for our main keyword phrase “sending flowers.”

If you go to and type in your keywords, you’ll get plenty of choices. I’ll cut to the chase and select “” A “.com” would have been better, but “.biz” is fine.

By the way, Google and a few other big search engines also consider when your domain name expires. The longer your domain name is “guaranteed” the better. I have found that a five year registration term, or longer, works great.

And don’t forget - If you setup this site and it ranks well, but you want your company’s name as the domain, you can always just redirect that domain name and point it to this site. That way, when people type in your business domain name it will go to the right place. It’s like getting two for one, which is always nice.

Step 3: How to Pick the Host with the Most

Where you host your Web site can make a huge difference. Choose your web hosting company very carefully. Here are some tips:

3.1. Avoid free hosting. Most search engines don’t think that serious sites (i.e. those worth top ranking) would be hosted on freebies.

3.2. Consider getting a private static IP address. Your hosting company should provide you with this number and you should be able to contact your site directly with it. Some of the major search engines don’t like ever-changing (dynamic) IP addresses because of problems they’ve had in the past.

3.3. Avoid any companies that host banned Websites - like the Plague! Good examples are those owned by spammers and illegal activity sites (even online gambling in some instances). Search engines might penalize or even ban your web for being associated with such sites. Try to find a hosting company with a “family friendly” policy, like

Step 4: How to Get Great Links and Monitor Your Site

Having quality inbound links can account for more than 75% of you search engine optimization success. Getting these links is the crucial step that will get you over the top. Next you should carefully track your progress and be sure to know your site’s status, which means how search engines see it from their perspective. This will tell you not just where you are – but where you are likely to be. In the old days, we used to do all link work and monitoring by hand – and it took a long time (I averaged about 16 hours per week – per site!) My best advice to you - And what I did personally - Is to find a great SEO tool and let it do the hard work for you. If you get the right product, it’s the best money you’ll ever spend.

I explained early on that I’d show you how I got so many #1 rankings on Google and Yahoo, so here are the best two search engine optimization products I’ve used, with my Top Pick on top:

#1 Pick: SEO Elite (free trial offered) Cost = $167 (lifetime free upgrades and no annual fees) Results: 121 top 5 rankings on Google in three weeks – Mostly 1’s and 2’s. Top Features: Finds best link partners; Automates link process; Provides 100% Site Monitoring Comments: I bought it 2005 and have used every upgrade – never spending another dime. I retired my other three programs after using this for the first three months.

#2 Pick: WebPosition (free trial offered) Cost = $149 SE or $389 Pro (plus $99 per year in subscription fees for either) Results: 44 top 5 rankings in Google in eight weeks – Mostly 3’s and 4’s. Top Features: 100% Site Monitoring; Great reporting; Site Critic Please Note: No automated linking capabilities. Comments: I purchased the professional version and found it most useful for reporting (but still did linking manually)

Step 5: How to get submitted to major search engines fast and free

I use the Submit Express free submission service all the time. It’s great. They’ll submit your site to 40 search engines instantly, at no cost -

Now you’re ready! Just follow the steps and you can do this with no problem. I’ve been doing it for years and have helped hundreds do the same. Good luck!

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

About author: Former Information Technology manager for Harvard University, Michael Small is the founder of free search engine optimization site and author of several well-known search engine optimization books including the SEO Notebook –

Ten Best WordPress Plugins for Your WordPress Blog

By: Alder Mickie
If you have created a blog for your website, most likely you created it with WordPress. A blog created with WordPress is functional without any plugins but will require a lot more work. Plugins improve the functionality of your blog experience such as eliminating spam, monitoring traffic to your site, etc.
Installing a plugin is a relatively easy procedure in most cases. Wordpress offers a simple procedure to add a plugin to your blog.

• First go to the Administration Panels and click on the Plugin tab.
• Once the plugin is uploaded to your WordPress blog, activate it on the Plugins Management screen and your plugin should work.
• Be sure to do your homework before installing WordPress Plugins. Read over the readme.txt files and instructions for installation.

Ten Best Plugins for Your WordPress Blog

1. A spamblocker such as Bad Behavior or SK2 is the first plugin that I recommend. A WordPress blog without any protection will likely fill up with unwanted comments and advertisements. Some web hosting services offer preinstalled critical plugins such as this in their line of web hosting products along with other perks such as free or low cost domain name registration. Free web hosting services seldom offer these perks without an additional cost which is something to consider when looking for a provider.

2. Captcha is another plugin that is a deterrent to unwanted traffic. This is the distorted group of letters that prove that an actual human is posting to your blog.

3. Digg This is a plugin that detects incoming links from A link displays automatically back to the Digg post, so people can Digg your story. An email will let you know when someone Diggs your blog.

4. WordPress Database Backup comes installed with WordPress and provides an easy way to backup your WordPress database. The backup file can be downloaded or you can have it emailed to the address of your choice.

5. Google Sitemap Generator generates a Google Sitemaps compliant sitemap for your WordPress blog which helps Google to index all the pages on your blog. When the blog is updated or content is added, the plugin generates a new sitemap for Google to use. This is a timesaver and will help your site get indexed by Google much faster.

6. Recent Comments comes with WordPress and retrieves a list of the most recent comments. The Recent Comments plugin helps increase blog page views and encourages people to comment more.

7. No Ping Wait - plugin speeds up posting by moving generic pings to execute-pings.php.

8. Gravatars make your blog more personable by adding a graphic next to each person’s comments.

9. WP-ContactForm is a great way for people to contact you without emailing you which saves time and helps avoid spam.

10. CG-FlashyTitles - to make your blog look nice. Graphical flash titles for WP.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

The author of this article, Denise Michael, writes for Serverpoint offers web hosting WordPress blog hosting, domain registration, and a variety of other services. With Serverpoint WordPress blog hosting, many of these plugins are preinstalled at no extra cost.

10 Vital Tips For Choosing The Right Web Hosting Company

By:Amy Armitage
The Web hosting firm you choose can make or break your small business. Good ones can run things smoothly, are easy to reach, and fix problems efficiently. But bad ones can have more problems than they are worth, be unreachable at critical times, and bring your business to a screeching halt. Finding a good one is crucial to your success.

Here are some tried and true ideas for how to select a host that will save you money, avoid technical snafus, and build your online platform for the future.

1. Choose a service that primarily does hosting

Although it might be tempting to sign-up with a firm that provides an umbrella of services in addition to website hosting, a good rule of thumb is that if a company overly-diversifies its services, it won’t deliver top quality in any of them (e.g. tech support, updates, maintenance, etc.)

2. Choose a host with a great record for online security

Most secure hosts will provide SSL Certificates to guarantee your security. Without an SSL Certificate on your site, visitors may come and go without identifying themselves, and this could put your site at risk. Make sure your host implements best practices when it comes to maintaining security architecture, updating security software, and responding effectively to breaches if and when they do occur.

3. Excellent technical and customer service support via phone

Does the host provide phone support around the clock? Or can you only email for help during non-business hours? You definitely want the option to call a staffer. Studies show that over-the-phone tech and customer support systems are vastly more efficient than e-mail support centers, on average.

4. Solid add-on services

A number of great web hosting companies provide little extras to make sites more effective and user-friendly. These can include image upload galleries, blogs, control panels, order forms, support scripts, databases, and embedded video features. When evaluating various firms, examine sample sites and note what value add-ons you like and what value add-ons you feel are missing in each sample.

5. Don’t rely on numbers alone to make the decision

Many hosts promise uptime approaching 100%. But there’s no way of verifying that kind of claim. If your website goes down, for instance, the company can easily explain it away as a statistically insignificant outlier. Similarly, a potential host may brag about oodles of bandwidth and space on servers, but if your online small-business needs are modest, these numbers shouldn’t be your incentive. Finally, be wary of online rating systems. These figures can be jiggered and rejiggered to make a web host look better (or worse) than it actually is.

6. The right price for your needs

Sure, you can find a service for practically nothing. But there is no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to web hosting. If you’re paying a dirt-cheap rate, chances are that the host is watering down services in some respect. Perhaps the host offers minimal security protections or charges clients “pay per play” for technical support. Or maybe the site charges a sky-high maintenance fee or other monthly fee. The point is, you need to read the fine print and to price-compare before making a decision.

7. Flexible features and enough elbow-room

You have no idea how your online platform might evolve. That’s why you need a hosting company that boasts flexible features, supports many different languages, offers Linux and Windows options, and supports an array of scripts (PHP, Pearl, Java, etc.) A good rule of thumb for determining space is to “buy big.” In other words, even if you don’t have tens of thousands of files to upload and store, leave yourself some wiggle room to anticipate future growth.

8. An easy-to-use and safe shopping cart

According to numerous estimates, U.S. and U.K. consumers will be spending nearly $150 billion per year online by the year 2010. Your site’s e-commerce options should be simple, safe, battle-tested, and easy-to-use.

9. Protection against spam, viruses, Trojan horses, and the like

Most creditable web hosting sites provide solid e-mail protection. Make sure to check for compatibility, however. For instance, if you use Microsoft Outlook, make sure that the host has the tools and services to shield your Outlook e-mail effectively — without blocking key notifications from clients or suppliers.

10. Important questions to consider

- Does the host provide good references and testimonials?

- Does the company employ best-of-breed firewalls and routers?

- Has anyone filed complaints against the company through the Better Business Bureau or other organization?

- What services do small businesses similar to yours use for web hosting?

- Can the company provide any statistics to back up claims regarding reliability and technical support?

- Can you use the host for a trial period before paying full prize?

- How expensive is it to upgrade or downgrade plans?

- How do blogs and customer forums rate your candidate hosting services?

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

About author: Amy Armitage is the head of Business Development for Lunarpages. Lunarpages provides quality web hosting from their US-based hosting facility. They offer a wide-range of services from Linux Virtual Private Servers and managed solutions to shared and reseller hosting plans.

Web Hosting Services – Just ‘two’ Many to Choose From!

By:Smita Mathur
Realizing the potentiality and reach of internet, everyone in this modern world has got a common taste in being recognized by a website of one’s own. Finding individuals and business alike with strategies in place, the next thing that embarks the visual plot (and after a ‘search’ function also), is a rich population of hosting service provider – offering incredible options within amazing price, with theirweb hosting services.

Are you the one amongst many wannabe website owners? Why not to get in detail about the plans then?

Let’s start with a small discourse on two types of web hosting services that a majority web hosts come to offer with.

Windows Web hosting and Linux Web hosting - the two types of hosting services

The two hosting services can match to the demands of million individuals and business alike. In Windows web hosting service the hosting platform comprises Active Server Page (ASP) as the base scripting language. While MSSQL is considered for database Windows Server is the Operating System and makes it a major Microsoft technology compliant process.

Linux Web hosting services, on the other hand, is a sum of OpenSource architecture-based options that come complete with technologies specifically designed and dedicated towards non-profit programming and web architecture platform. Linux Web hosting works on a LAMP.

Wondering what’s in a name? Here we go.

L = Linux. The UNIX-like OS.
A = Apache. The HTTP web server.
M = MySQL. The multi-threaded, multi-user, SQL DataBase Management System.
P = PHP/Perl/Python. The three varieties of scripting languages.

Leaving the technology aside (expect to have a detailed discussion in the coming issues) what makes more meaning is in the specialties of the both services.

While Windows Web hosting services guarantee flexibility and robustness (obviously by virtue of its popular language, database and server framework), Linux web hosting services on the contrary, comes with a secure and effective web hosting solution for millions SEMs world-wide.

Now, Windows or Linux, the choice is for you to make. It is you who knows your business best. However, for more information on the subject matter wait for our next issue on the same topic.

About author: Smita, is the author ofWeb hosting services.She was inducted into theWeb hosting services profession just two years back.

Article Source:

Get Your Website Up and Going With Reliable Web Hosting Service

By:Basant Behura

Every business is always in search of some reliable medium which can assist brand promotion very fast. Except internet, no other medium would be able to serve this purpose better. Its greater market reach has made this possible. A simple and user-friendly website is a must for a brand new business. But it needs an effective web hosting to be live online. There are millions of companies offering cheap web hosting packages. With so many hosting options in hand, one generally gets confused in choosing the best as well as cost-effective one among them.

One can easily find two types of web hosting services in online world through search engines. Though free website hosting option is there but it is not found to be useful for commercial websites. That’s why one should select from tons of paid web hosting service matching one’s budget. Even a good website hosting plan can be found with unlimited websites for as low as ten dollars a month. Most of the website host offers you a web hosting plan package where the payment option varies depending upon the type of package on offer.

Phalanxinfotech, is a premier web hosting provider company, providing cost-effective, standard and secured web hosting services for both windows and linux platforms. Our cheap web hosting plans include shared windows hosting and linux hosting, reseller hosting and VPS hosting to dedicate servers in it. A 99.99% server uptime guaranty and virus as well as email spam protected web hosting environment is the speciality of our website hosting solutions.

Special Features of Web Hosting Plans: -

  • Selects the best hosting service matching your requirements.

  • Web hosting cost varies depending upon the allowed bandwidth. It will be more if dedicated servers are allowed.

  • Hosting servers are up 24/7 hours and offer 99% server uptime.

  • Allows enough disk space for maximum data transfer

  • Provides standard email address as well as other script related facilities.

  • Offers control panel facility with web hosting

All of our web hosting packages are reliable, secured and include world-class technical support and customer care service. So don’t bother about your web hosting program any further and get everything, it needs to take your business to new heights with us.

About author : Basant Kumar is a professional author who writes about different aspect of web designing, web development, web hosting and & link building services. For more information, Please visit

Article Source:

Advantages of Cheap Linux Hosting Services

By:Carsten Charls

There are a lot of solutions for every site or business web hosting needs, and Linux website hosting may be the best hosting solutions of all of your queries you have ever had about the world of the web hosting solutions. Here we describe about Linux website hosting and the advantages of Linux website hosting over Windows hosting will give for the personal or business web user at

With Windows hosting, web sites can use e-commerce functions. The old thinking support, If someone has little or no experience webmaster, they should consider Windows hosting, but now the time and features changes and Linux provide efficient features for users to easily use the Linux hosting services. Linux hosting services can be a little harder to manage for someone who does not have much experience but good one in web hosting solutions. Sites that are created on the Windows servers can be difficult to convert, so that they can easily be used on a Linux server. This may be something that you want, when planning your web site or the choice between Windows and Linux hosting.

When you are at the start of your website or business, you don't need a big website and a huge disk space on the server and probably look for companies offering affordable web hosting plans. Let's say, you have got your Domain Name ( Its time to check for a good web hosting service provider to have your files uploaded in the domain.

Linux operating system for computers remains one of the most common examples of free software services available for users. Linux is also known as GNU / Linux. Linux was designed by individuals who proposed the system first for their individual needs that were not been met by a major commercial operating system such as Windows. Best of all is that all of Linux code and source coding is also available to the general public for free use, and for modification purposes as well. Linux has gained strong support from major computer base companies such as IBM and Novell among others. Many personal users and large firms started choosing Linux as well. Linux is quickly gaining steam in the corporate world. Why? Here are the four answers: cost, effectiveness, security, and reliability.

Many reliable Linux web hosting companies have been in business for some nice time and are considered fairly reliable. These Linux website hosting providers are known for their knowledge and the hosting services they can offer. Some sites boast of being in business for five years or more with several trained professional hosting provider on board to assist in offering their hosting services, in technical support, and other elements to an effective web hosting company.

A Linux web hosting company follows in line with a strict tradition of budget web hosting and turning heavy profit in little time and this signifies a lot to the consumer as many consumers react to profit in a positive way, you can see the same at best Linux Hosting Solutions provider for your business hosting services.

Linux is a growing operating system and many consumers and business owners are interested in running their on line business using Linux web hosting.

Most Linux hosting servers are using highly reliable software in their applications and frequently update their programs and services as well. This is a useful feature, especially in dealing with newer web hosting technology and services available on Internet. Linux also uses innovative tools and features that help bring accessibility to new users and confidence to veteran users, by supplying every user with the basics to operate a successful web site.

Carsten Charls
Author creates widgets for people needs affordable hosting solutions. Whole world person waits for reliable solution for business hosting needs and search cheap hosting services for their problem. Find out the best and budget web hosting services at given Linux hosting company for your business websites.
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Finding the Best Hosting Service

By:Bob Willis
Given the astronomical number of web hosting companies today, finding a reliable and superior web hosting company can sometimes be a daunting task. Making a well-informed decision therefore becomes imperative in order to save yourself from any kind of hassles and future losses. So, first of all evaluate your needs and website requirements as well as budget before you buy the hosting package. It I important to take it one step at a time and then zero down on your selection.

Evaluating your website needs and requirements

The hosting criteria can hugely vary depending on the type of website you are planning to host. A small website with a just a single or few web pages would require different hosting packages, tools and features as compared to the larger or online business websites. It is also advisable to take into consideration the type of website you plan to host in the near or immediate future. If you are planning to host a simple website for a simple web presence, a shared server would perhaps just be right hosting package for you. For a larger or e-commerce enabled website, a dedicated or VPS server could be an ideal choice. Take into account all the aspects and seek advice from customer support or experienced users at forums and blogs in order to make a well-informed decision.

Pricing Structures

Different hosting companies offer different price tags. There are many companies out there who offer affordable tags and quality services. Expensive tags do not necessarily equate to superior services or advanced features. Choose a company of repute, credibility and reliability and yet offers you value added features within an affordable pricing structure.

Speed And Reliability

A quality hosting service provider will guarantee an uptime of over 99%. Speed is another important aspect to be considered so that visitors can speedily access your website.

Data Transfer and Disk Space

Remember, as your website grows; so does your bandwidth requirement. So take into consideration the future growth prospects of your website. Evaluate the rate of your data transfer and analyze your monthly bandwidth requirements. It is wise to pay for the required amount of bandwidth rather than pay a huge amount of fee for overages. Also, evaluate your disk space requirements before you select a web-hosting package. Most websites require less than 3GB of disk space.

Technical Support

A reliable and superior web hosting company usually offers 24/7/365 technical and customer support. This reflects that the company values its customers and ensures that you can reach the hosting company at any time if your website starts experiencing problems. You can validate this by randomly calling the company at different times during the day in order to check if support is really available 24/7.

Special Features and Scripts

All websites have different requirements and needs in terms of application support, tools and features. A good hosting provider should be able to offer all the essential and preferably value added features in order to accommodate these needs. Also view the tutorial of their control panels to check if it has a user-friendly interface.

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Be Fore-armed When Searching for an Internet Web Hosting Service

By:Web Host

Important Points When Searching for an Internet Web Site Host

Internet web site hosting is growing everyday. If you are searching for an Internet provider for your website, this growth makes it easier to find a server that best fits the needs. If you are new to the concept of internet web sit hosting, there are a few important facts that you should know.Initially, contact will need to be made with an Internet web site hosting provider to arrange for them to host your site.

Learning A New Address

It is also important to inquire with your Internet web site hosting provider or host as to your FTP information. This is the address of your website. As it is something you will not want to forget, be sure you write this information down in a safe place so that you always have it available. It will contain your host name, your host type, your user ID, your password and your directory path. Each of these pieces is a very important part of the address that will lead you to your website.

Reliability is an Important Part of the Overall Package

In addition, reliability of your Internet web site hosting server should be of constant concern to you as this is the exposure to the World Wide Web. If your server goes down, you are not online and when that happens, no one can access your website. There is a simple test that you can perform from your home computer to determine if you internet web site host is reliable. This is a test in which you will log a specific value each time you perform the test and establish a mean by which to measure the status of reliability.

First you will access your host account then go to "server status", locating the control panel associated with your host account. When you find that, you will see a "server load value", hit the refresh key on your computer and notice that the value has changed. This value changes constantly. Write down the values that you obtain after hitting the refresh key. At this point, you have retrieved the numbers you needed, so you may log out.

Performing this test repeatedly and often will assist you in establishing what the usual values are.As you research and develop your website plans, it will become easier for you to choose an Internet web site hosting company that will best fit your needs. Be sure to investigate the various internet web site hosting servers extensively to make sure that all your hard work does not go to waste with a short lived host

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Why IXWebHosting Reduces its Web Hosting Price

This article will dig into the reason why IXWebHosting increases the price its web hosting plan and change it back in a very short time period. And it's a good lesson for those web hosting service provider.

One interesting things happened on IXWebhosting recently: IXWebhosting raised the price of its most popular plan, Business Plus, from $6.45/month to $7.95/month in Late April and changed it back to $6.95 in early June quickly. As one of the leader in web hosting industry, IXWebhosting is famous for providing budget web hosting solutions for their customers: huge disk space, huge bandwidth, Host 8 domains in one plan, 2 domain for free, and 8 dedicated IPs. Compared with other web hosting provider, this plan is very attractive even we set the price to $7.95/month. But what make IXWebhosting change the price back?

First, let's look at the data in, we can easily find that the sale of IXWebhosting is down significantly after increasing the price. And this number goes up very quickly after the price is reversed back. This means the customers vote "No" to the increasing price.

So what's the key reason behind it? Let's look at the market sector IXWebhosting target at, the main customers of IXWebhosting are small business companies and individual, who are also the potential customers of a lot of mid-size and small web hosting companies. Most of them set the price of their plans to be below $7/month, like $6.95/month (Lunarpage). And some even lower, such as HostMonster ($5.95/month), Startlogic($5.95/month) or PowWeb($5.77/month). All those has made the consumer to set their expectation of the price to be blow $7/month when hosting their individual web site or small business web site. But what IXWebhosting has done recently has broken this bar and then it was punished by the market consequently.

But any way, IXWebhosting is back on the right track now. Hope this change can bring more customers to them since it's really a great company and the plan is very cost-effective.

Want to know more about IXWebhosting and the other Web Hosting companies, please refer to:

IXWebHosting Review

Web Hosting Review from

Web Hosting Guide, ReviewPsychology Articles, Compare and Trusted Web Hosting Marketplace

Source: Free Articles from


Sean.Ray is an expert in making money online. He started guiding people about how to create their own online business and make money online in 2005. His blog is, where you can get lastest method or information to earn the online money.

Reasons for Not Using a Free Web Host

Contrary to popular belief, paid web hosting is not very expensive. Every paid web hosting service except maybe the very worst of the lot give you more value than you pay for. The superior service and features of a paid host far outweigh the expenditure.

Your website requires a dependable web host if you value your time and content. With a commercial website, you could lose even more if your free or inexpensive webhost deserts you. Think about it - what would you lose?

Assuming that you have backed up your website content yourself, religiously, then you will only lose visitors, customers, trust and money if you have to scramble for a new webhost. Without your own backup of your web content, everything can disappear.

Many web hosting companies have come and gone, leaving their customers without a site until the customer can find a new service. Believe it or not, this happens every day. One reason for this is obvious. Your free or cheap web host service can be just breaking even thanks to advertising. Have you thought about this: customers need help?

A free or cheap webhost, by its very nature, caters to new webmasters, who by their very nature often require more time than those willing and able to pay for services. Just crunch the numbers. Your webhost charges you $4-$10 a month. You require maybe 20 minutes of a customer service rep's time in a month.

The webhost loses money unless they pay their customer service reps a very low wage, which in turn is reflected in the service you get. A webhost like this has two choices in order to survive - cut their costs or raise their prices.

When you use a cheap or free hosting company, consider who else may be using that same company - spammers, webmasters of adult sites, etc. These are people whose activities, when reported to the proper authorities, can get a webhosting service blocked or shut down.

Either way, you have to realize that you are affected by how other people use the same service that you are using.

Remember, just like with any other purchase you make, you get what you pay for. Don't be fooled by web hosting services that offer you huge database storage capabilities for cheap. This is because data base storage is indeed inexpensive, but the service you won't be getting is what has real value - technical expertise; guaranteed uninterruptedFree Articles, high-speed internet access; and quality customer support.

Source: Free Articles from


Kathryn Beach has used 7 different webhosts for her 10 niche websites since 1998, and can help you find the perfect webhosting service for your needs.

Top 10 : Web Hosting Service Providers

Detailed review of Top web hosting services and done lot of research by various professionals in summing up these top 10 web hosting ratings

These Ratings are determined on

1.How many people use this services and how happy they are with it.

2.The Rates and Services included

3.Server up time and Maintenance Problems

4.Reviews from websites such as,,,

5.The past Records of the service providers counts too

6.Free services like free domain name schemes to just sell the hosting are NOT counted




#4.Yahoo Web Hosting


#6.IX WebHosting





Note - We have selected / reviewed 10 best web hosting companies from some of the world top webhosting companies. All the hosting services we reviewed are reliable web hosting company supporting Apache, Python, PHP 4 or 5, MySQL 4, Microsoft FrontPage extension and email (including webmail). Most runs on Linux and Windows. Web Hosting services is a very competitive industry, some hosts are giving very cheap web hosting rate (as low as $4.95! ), including reduced first year fee, free months, discount coupon, free fist year, rebate and etc. You can easily find a very cheap hosting from $4~$10 per month. Listing below are the best web hosting services support PHP, MySQL, Python, FrontPage web hosting and almost all of it are linux web hosting. Web hosting companies has been selected based on popularity, performance, feature, support quality and price. Higher rating hosting are usually has better feature over price ratio. All hosting plan below can host any domain name including .com, .org, .net,,, .tv, .ws ,, .com.sgScience Articles, .it and etc. and etc.

Source: Free Articles from


I am an Computer Engineering Student and have been posting and researching for articles for quite a while now. Have a view at my blog top10ratings

3 Ways to Extend Your Web Hosting to China

This article will analyze 3 key factors that blocks Chinese to purchase web hosting service from US companies. We also give out some example about which US web hosting service providers have make the progress to attract more sale from China.

China is a growing market, everyone want to win the customers there. Not like some other commercial companies which are restricted by export or import law, web hosting as a service, you can sell it all around the world online, and China is included definitely.

To win the customers there look easy. A web hosting package which cost you $100 per year from Chinese web hosting service provider, you will get about 250M disk space and 1 G bandwidth. But what you can get from US service provider, 300G disk space, 3000G bandwidth. It looks quite attractive, right? And another factor pushes Chinese to use US web hosting service is that the service of Chinese web hosting provider are quite worse.

But winning the customer in China is not an easy thing even most of the Chinese web site master know the great value price of US web hosting package and the great service they can get. So, what are the obstacle there.

First is about the payment method, most of the web hosting companies provides the payment method like Credit Card or Paypal, but both of two are not popular in China. For credit card, Chinese are still not comfortable with the security to give those information online and money will be charged without a password. And for Paypal, eBay create a new e-wallet web site in China which is totally different with Paypal, and this is failed in China (it’s beated by a Chinese local company). So, who has done great job in adding more payment options in their checkout process, that’s Lunarpages, the most amazing thing is that Lunarpages can support the payment like Debit Card used in China. So, there is no surprised that Lunarpages have won a lot of customers from China.

Secondly, most of Chinese customer will have to purchase a Dedicated IP eventually since it’s quite common that the IP of their web server are banned by Chinese government due to some illegal web site are created in the same IP. Right now, only IXWebHosting provide free Dedicated IP with fast connection, which has brought IXWebHosting considerable customers from China and it’s another winner here.

Last one is about the connection speed, since when Chinese host their web site in US, their target visitor might still come from China. A fast speed is what they expect. According to a survey I have done in China, BlueHost and HostMonster provide the fastest connection for Chinese customer. This is might not true, but if we only look at the market segment like shared web hosting or low cost web hosting, I believe HostMonster and BlueHost have done great job so far.

So, according to above analysis, Lunarpages, IXWebhosting, BlueHost, and HostMonster have become the biggest winner in Chinese web hosting market. And what about the other web hosting service provider, do you want to win the customers from China? If yes, you need to take action now: add more payment method, provide dedicated IP and increase the connection speed between China and your data center. The earlier you do it, the more you will win.


Web Hosting Guide, ReviewPsychology Articles, Compare and Trusted Web Hosting Marketplace

Web Hosting Review

Source: Free Articles from


Sean.Ray is an expert in making money online. He started guiding people about how to create their own online business and make money online in 2005. His blog is, where you can get lastest method or information to earn the online money.

Determine Your Needs Before Choosing A Hosting Service

Choosing a hosting company for your web site can be very confusing given the multitude of companies available on the Internet today. Do not choose a service by price alone. The very cheapest is not necessarily the best. You can get a good hosting service for under $10.00, but first determine your requirements.

Before going into any more detail, let’s look at some definitions:

Hosting service - A hosting service or company is an Internet company that provides hundreds or even thousands of computers like yours with service by “renting” you space. With this service your web site is now on the Internet and can be viewed by millions of others.

Sure you could be your own host, but it would be very expensive because you would need to buy a server, house it in the proper environment, maintain it 24 hours a day, and put up with all the other headaches that come with hosting. Wouldn’t you rather concentrate on selling your product?

A server is a large computer, which can service many other computers. Sometimes a large software package on a host’s server (like a mail software package) is also referred to as a server.

Have you seen scenes on TV which show rooms wall-to-wall with big computers busily working and flashing their lights? These are servers.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. If you started your web site from scratch, you will need to upload your web pages to the host you selected. To do this you use a FTP software package.

There are some excellent tutorials on FTP at

CGI means Common Gateway Interface. While CGI primarily refers to the way a server communicates with other software on the server, CGI scripts are a popular way programmers install counters, forms, and other interactive items on a web site.

If you see cgi-bin, the “bin” refers to binary from a time long ago when most programs were referred to as binary. Now cgi-bin refers to the location in the server where cgi scripts are stored.

Now, let’s go back to the hosting service. When you surf the net and “go” to a particular site, you are not actually going to that site. The hosting company’s server (in this case your ISP) receives your request, searches the web, finds your requested site, and downloads it to your computer. So you see, you don’t go to a site, the site comes to you, courtesy of a server.

How do you go about choosing a hosting service?

It is pretty much up to you based on the size of your website, the number of visitors you expect, and, of course, the state of your wallet.

If you are just starting out, a free or low cost service is all you will need, but as your business grows you might want to consider a service that gives you more storage and more transfer room.

Storage is the amount of room your web site takes up on the hosting company’s server, “Transfer” refers to network transfer space. If you have a large web site and a lot of visitors you will need more storage or disc space and more network transfer space. The more people accessing your site; the higher the volume of data being transferred.

How to calculate your disk space:

1.Count the number of pages in your web site and add a buffer for future expansion.
2.Determine the average number of characters per page – not the number of words. The number of characters includes everything, letters, spaces, and, punctuation. Most word processing programs such as MS Word will count the number of characters for you.
3.Multiply the average number of characters times the number of pages in step 1.
4.Now: one character = 1 Byte, and 8 Bytes = 1 bit, so divide the total number of characters determined in step 3 by 8. This gives you the total number of bits.
5.1000 bits = 1 KB; 1000 KB = 1 MB, and 1000 MB = 1 GB. Note: For the technical minded 1 GB actually equals 1024 MB, but there is really no necessity to get that picky in this case.
6.Divide the total number of bits by 1,000,000 and your answer will be the number of MB of disk space you need to rent from the hosting service.

Determining the amount of transfer space you will require is largely an approximation based on the number of visitors you expect per day. Most of the better hosting services provide you with about 3 GB, which is ample for the average web site. If you expect more than a thousand visitors a day, you will, of course, need more transfer space.

The top ten hosting companies are listed conveniently at along with their rankings, disk space offered, bandwidth (transfer space)Psychology Articles, and reviews.

About the author: Nancy Casseur is a Team Leader with Strong Future International Marketing Group (SFI Marketing Group). SFI is considered to be the largest and most successful affiliate program in the world. To find out more about SFI go to Nancy is also the Webmaster of two websites; and
Copyright 2005 by Nancy Casseur.

Source: Free Articles from


Nancy Casseur, a retired journalist, is currently a Team Leader with SFI Marketing Group and the Webmaster of two web sites - and SFI Marketing group is considered to be the largest and most successful affiliate program in the world. See

Six Important Feature Which Must Be Paid Attention In Choosing Web Hosting

By Mara Mei

In choosing web hosting there is important feature is you which must pay attention.

1. Space

Look for web hosting with capacities more than 50 GB. This matter to overcome if you have big file measure.

2. Bandwidth

Look for web hosting with bandwidth more than 1 GB. If less than that possibility access to your website will be tardy.

3. Script and database of support

If you use PHP, mysql, CGI , you have to use web hosting supporting database and script. Some free web hosting have support this feature. You can find it with Search Engine with keyword "free web hosting+php+mysql+cgi.

4. FTP Support

FTP very if you wish to upload your file faster. Not all services of web hosting support ftp, so to pay attention before choosing web hosting.

5. Banner Ad

If you wish to use free web hosting, paying attention do the service will install advertisement at your website.

6. Maximum File Upload

Some web hosting limit file measures which in upload, become to pay attention your file measure. If you have big file to upload, your file cannot be upload.

That is important feature which must be paid attention in choosing web hosting. Now you can choose right web hosting for your website. Try to search free web hosting, before you pay for web hosting.

Mara Mei is the owner of Free Web Hosting with unlimited information about good quality free web hosting.

How To Find The Best Cheap Web Hosting Service Provider Like A Web Hosting Expert

By Sam Ayodeji

Who says finding a cheap web hosting service provider that is reliable is easy? To be realistic, it isn’t easy at all. This is due to the fact that there are so many factors that a cheap web hosting service provider must have before it can be called the best or one of the best. There are some elementary factors that a web hosting expert would consider before choosing a cheap web hosting service provider that is reliable.

These factors play a major role and it can either make you, or break you as regards your online presence. Let’s take a look at some of these factors. Once you know these factors very well, you will be able to choose a cheap web hosting service provider that is reliable – just like the way the experts do it.

* Disk space: This is the space allotted to the user of a cheap web hosting service provider that stores the files of a website, pages of a website, emails and lots more on the web host’s server.

* Multiple email addresses: A cheap web hosting service provider that is reliable will provide its users with the option of having multiple email addresses. There is a cheap web hosting service provider that offers 400-email account to its users but it is actually unlimited. This type of cheap web hosting service provider is what you should be looking out for.

* Domain name or web address registration: This is a service that a potential cheap web hosting service provider should have. This service will enable you register a web address for yourself. It might look like www.[ your-name].com.

* Shopping cart: This is a service that will enable you to receive payments online through credit cards. This is only of great importance to you if your website is a business website. Again, a cheap web hosting service provider that is good quality should also offer this service.

With the features mentioned above, you should be able to find yourself a cheap web hosting service provider that is reliable. Lest I forget, there are two other very important factors that you must know about.

Sam Ayodeji has helped countless individuals to choose the right web hosting services. If what you search for is a reliable web hosting provider, then be rest assured to find the best one for you by visiting Sam Ayodeji's web hosting blog at